Thursday, May 9, 2013

Southwest District Bylaws



Section 1.        The name of the Council shall be the SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL.

Section 2.        This District Council is organized under the authority of and pursuant to Seattle City Council Resolution 27709 adopted 27 October 1987 to discharge the duties of a District Council under that Resolution and any City Council amendments as they may occur.

Section 3.        The purpose of the Southwest District Council shall be to provide leadership for the mutual benefit of residents and businesses located in the Southwest Seattle area.  The Council will assist in the communication and coordination of community-based projects, review the City’s Capital budgets, make recommendations on applications for Neighborhood Matching Funds, coordinate City department responses to neighborhood problems, and, in general, work towards advancing the goals of the neighborhoods of West Seattle.


The geographical boundaries of the Southwest District Council are described as:  the east waterway of the Duwamish River, Elliott Bay on the north, Puget Sound on the west and the Seattle city limits on the south.


Section 1.        Membership in the Southwest District Council shall be open to any neighborhood/business group that organizes to represent the interests and the common good of neighborhoods and neighborhood business communities within the geographical boundaries of the Southwest District Council.

Section 2.        Any neighborhood/business group, organized for a minimum of 90-days, as recommended by the “Credentials Committee”, and approved by two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum, will be granted voting privileges.  Each qualified neighborhood/business group shall have one voting member.

Section 3.        The designated voting representative or alternate should be formally identified by the group they represent. 

Section 4.        Nonmember neighborhood and business persons may participate fully in council activities, except for voting and holding office; officers and committee chairs shall be voting members.

Section 5.        Council membership requires active participation, and may be terminated for unexcused absence at three (3) consecutive meetings with a recommendation to the Credentials Committee for termination.

Section 6.        All memberships shall be reviewed every three (3) years in March by the “Credentials Committee.”  If the “Credentials Committee” recommends, and two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum affirm, a membership can be terminated.  The Credentials Committee shall consider the same criteria for termination that are used for recommending a new group for membership. 

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Section 1.        Meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order, Duly Revised, including the use of a Parliamentarian.

Section 2.        The final meeting of the year shall be designated as the annual meeting of the Southwest District Council for the purpose of electing new officers and installing voting members from the neighborhood/business groups.  Notification shall be the responsibility of the current executive officer.

Section 3.        Meetings to be public and accessible and shall be held at times other than normal business hours and days.

Section 4.        A minimum of six (6) meetings shall be held per year.  Special meetings may be requested by the President or by organizational representatives not less in number than one-third (1/3) of the number of the current voting membership.

Section 5.        All groups shall be notified in writing of the place, day, and hour of all meetings of the members.  In case of special meetings, the purposes for which the meeting is called, such notices shall be delivered not less than seven (7) days nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting.


Section 1.        Representatives shall consist of one-half (1/2) plus one of the votes entitled to be cast and shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2.        Each qualified neighborhood council and each business group shall be entitled to one vote. 

Section 3.        A neighborhood/business group may not vote by proxy.

Section 4.        In all elections for officers each qualified neighborhood/business group shall be entitled to one vote for the position to be filled.

Section 5.        A 60% majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the neighborhood/business representatives present, shall be necessary for the adoption of any matter voted upon by the members. 


Section 1.        Officers of the District Council shall be elected by the voting members.  Officers shall serve a term of one (1) year commencing on the first day of January for the year in which they are elected.

Section 2.        The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President or two (2) Co-Chairs, a Secretary, one (1) City Neighborhood Council Representative and one (1) Alternate Representative. 

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Section 3.        The duties and powers of the Officers of the Southwest District Council shall be as follows:


The President or Co-Chairs shall preside at all meetings, shall cause to be called to regular and special meetings and perform all duties incident to the position and office, including appointment of any officers as required. 


During the absence or inability of the President to render and perform duties or executive powers, as set forth in these By-Laws, the same shall be performed and exercised by the Vice-President, and when so acting, said Vice-President shall have all the powers and be subject to all the responsibilities hereby given to or imposed upon such President.

If both the President and Vice-President are absent, the Council shall choose an interim Chairperson for the meeting.


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meeting and attend to all correspondence and perform all the duties incident to the office of the Secretary.


The City Neighborhood Council Representative or alternate shall represent the Southwest District Council at the City Neighborhood Council level.


Section 1.        The President may establish temporary committees, the members of which shall hold office for such periods deemed necessary by the Council.  Chairperson of a committee will be elected by members of the committee.  Vacancies on the committee shall be filled by the President.

Section 2.        The committees of the Council shall consist of:

1.              Municipal Budget Review Committee
2.              Bylaws Committee
3.              Credentials and Rules Committee
4.              Neighborhood Matching Fund Evaluation Committee
5.              Transportation Committee

Other committees may be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Council as needed.  The term of membership of each committee shall be one (1) year commencing on the first day of January.

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Bylaws became effective January 1, 1989.  The power to amend, alter or repeal or adopt new Bylaws shall be vested in the Southwest District Council.  Review of the Bylaws shall be conducted every two (2) years.  Changes to the Bylaws shall be approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the qualified voting membership.


The Southwest District Council strives to provide an opportunity for all residents to participate that is free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, political ideology, sensory, mental or physical handicap.


                                                                                    By                   Terry Williams                       


                                                                                    Date             Amended March 1, 2006          

                                                                                    By                   Steve Sindiong            


                                                                                    Date             Amended March 1, 2006          

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