Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lake Union Bylaws

Name:                         Lake Union District Council

Boundaries:              Its boundaries shall include the Cascade Area to the south to include South Lake Union, the Eastlake Neighborhood to the east, the Wallingford Neighborhood to t he northeast, the Fremont Neighborhood to the northwest, and the Westlake Area to the west.

Purpose:                     To fulfill the City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods organizational requirements under Res. 27709 and attachment A, as amended, including providing a forum for consideration of common concerns, including physical planning, budget allocations and service delivery, and for the sharing of ideas for solutions to common problems.

Membership:            Membership shall be only of associations of residents, businesses, property owners, and /or non-profit organizations that are primarily located in the Lake Union District Council’s boundaries.  An applicant organization should have written by-laws and its membership criteria must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. A majority vote of the district council membership will seat new members and may, after appropriate notice and discussion, remove an organization from membership. 

Organization:           At least annually, the Council shall elect a Facilitator and an Alternate Facilitator to arrange for and chair District Council meetings, and carry out other duties as directed by the Council.

Meetings:                  District Council meetings shall be open to the public and be held on the first Monday except when it is a holiday, then the meeting will move to the following  Monday.

A majority vote shall be required to approve actions before the District Council to fulfill the purposes stated above.

Amendments:           These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of two- thirds of the organizations of the District Council Membership at a meeting following introduction in writing of any amendments.

Adopted, as revised, by the Lake Union District Council membership on April 2, 2007.

Suzie Burke, Facilitator     


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