1 NAME The name of the organization is Central Area Neighborhoods District Council (CANDC).
1 NAME The name of the organization is Central Area Neighborhoods District Council (CANDC).
1.1 BOUNDARIES The boundaries of the CANDC shall be as shown on Attachment A (map of the Central Area as per City of Seattle Clerk’s office).
1.2 AUTHORITY: The CANDC is organized under the authority of Seattle City Council
Resolution 27709 (Oct 1987), which created and described the role of the District
Councils, see Attachment B.
1.3 PURPOSE The purpose of the CANDC is to provide a forum for Central Area
neighborhood councils and organizations to share ideas, solve common problems, and
represent the Central Area to government entities, for the betterment of the
neighborhoods of the Central Area and its residents; the CANDC shall:
1.3.1 Influence government policies and city funding by review, comment,
recommendation, or participation related to plans or applications that affect the
Central Area, including but not limited to: the Neighborhood Matching Fund
Large Fund Projects Citywide Review Team, the Neighborhood Street
Fund/Cumulative Reserve Fund review, and the ongoing Neighborhood
Planning/City Comprehensive Plan processes.
1.3.2 Address issues which affects the livability of our neighborhoods and Community
on the whole, including but not limited to neighborhood sustainability, economic
development, land use, housing, social and recreational opportunities, open space,
crime prevention, transportation and the delivery of services.
1.3.3 Share information between neighborhoods and organizations, promoting outreach
within and between neighborhoods to build and strengthen community and
expand citizen participation.
1.3.4 Represent the CANDC on the City Neighborhood Council (CNC).
ARTICLE II Membership
1.3.1 Influence government policies and city funding by review, comment,
recommendation, or participation related to plans or applications that affect the
Central Area, including but not limited to: the Neighborhood Matching Fund
Large Fund Projects Citywide Review Team, the Neighborhood Street
Fund/Cumulative Reserve Fund review, and the ongoing Neighborhood
Planning/City Comprehensive Plan processes.
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 1 of 6
2.1 Standing membership is held by neighborhood councils that meet the general
2.2 At-Large membership is held by business or service associations by approval of
the District Council. Application for membership must be made to the Executive
Committee by written request. The Executive Committee will ensure that
minimum requirements for membership are met as set forth in Section 2. The
Executive Committee shall promptly make a recommendation to the full Council.
The recommendation shall be approved at the following meeting by a simple
majority. At-large members shall serve a one year term and may be re-approved
for membership, by simple majority vote.
2.3 If the members representative(s) has three or more unexcused consecutive absences the
member shall lose its voting rights until their representative(s) has attended three
meetings. Voting rights are reestablished at the third meeting they attend.
2.4 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The Central Area Neighborhoods District
Council will not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion,
gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, national origin, income or
political affiliation.
ARTICLE III Executive Committee
3.1 TERM OF OFFICE Elected officers shall served for a term of one year commencing at
the end of the December meeting. Leadership shall pass to the newly elected officers
upon adjournment of the December meeting. An officer may be elected to the same
position for a maximum of two consecutive years.
3.2 QUALIFICATIONS Only members in good standing shall be eligible for all officers of
the CANDC.
3.3 NOMINATION A Nominating Committee, approved by the CANDC, of at least 3
members, shall be formed two months prior to elections (October). The nominating
committee shall present a slate of candidates for each office, in writing, to the CANDC
one month prior to elections (November), including a brief biographical sketch of each
candidate. Nominations for office shall be accepted until one week prior to the
presentation of candidates.
3.4 ELECTION The election of officers shall be held at the December meeting of the
CANDC, by secret ballot. Tabulation of ballots shall be performed by the Nominating
Committee and the DON support staff. The individual receiving a majority of the votes
shall be declared the winner. If no candidate receives a majority, then there shall be a
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 2 of 6
second ballot with just the top two candidates.
3.5 VACANCIES A vacancy will occur when an officer missing three unexcused
consecutive meeting (as per Section 3.6) or by their submitting a letter of resignation.
Vacancies shall be filled by the person that came in second during the election. If the
person turns the position down or is there was no a second in the election, a call for a
special election may called by any member of the CANDC for the unexpired portion of
their term.
3.6 REMOVAL An officer may be removed from office for missing three (3) unexcused
meetings consecutive and/or for cause by a 2/3 majority vote, of those present at the
District Council meeting.
3.7 DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT The President shall be responsible for:
3.7.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and full
3.7.2 Serving as or appoint a delegate to the City Neighborhood Council.
3.7.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and full
3.8 DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall be responsible for:
3.8.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and full
Council in the absence of the President;.
3.8.2 Acting as Parliamentarian at all meetings
3.8.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and full
3.9 DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary shall be responsible for:
3.9.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Council in the absence of the
President and Vice President;
3.9.2 Maintaining a list of all members entitled to voting rights.
3.9.3 Overseeing, in cooperation with the Department of Neighborhoods’
(DON) staff, the distribution of agendas, and keeping of and distribution
of all meeting minutes;
3.9.4 Preserving, in cooperation with the DON, historical documents of the
CANDC and other matters of governance including an up-to-date version of the CANDC bylaws, a permanent file of all correspondence, minutes, attendance records thus maintaining the list of current and active members, a record of unfinished business, records utilized in the business of the CANDC, and maintaining an official public record at the offices of the DON;
3.9.5 Maintaining a calendar of events, meetings, deadlines and notices
pertaining to the business of the CANDC and its members.
3.9.1 Facilitating the regular meetings of the Council in the absence of the
3.10 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DUTIES The Executive Committee shall be responsible
3.10.1 Preparing the monthly agenda,
3.10.2 Making recommendations regarding the establishment of Standing
3.10.3 Making recommendations, in the first quarter of the year, regarding
special objectives of the CANDC for that year.
3.10.1 Preparing the monthly agenda,
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 3 of 6
4 All written positions taken in the name of the CANDC on any question, whether a majority or minority view and/or nature, shall require prior approval of the Council or in case of needed expediency by the Executive Committee (Section 5.1).
4.1 To ensure open and transparent communication, all correspondence (including but not limited to electronic correspondence) on behalf of the CANDC shall include and show all recipients and addressees.
ARTICLE V Committees
5 The Executive Committee is a Standing Committee. In addition to the specific duties assigned in Section 3.10, the Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring the day-to- day functioning of the CANDC in accordance with the these bylaws. The Executive Committee may entertain and/or recommend a proposal for a new Standing Committee at any time. The Executive Committee will recommend the establishment of Standing Committees as needed, to be ratified by a simple majority of the Council. In the event a new Standing Committee is created, these bylaws will be amended by attachment, describing the responsibility and goals of the committee.
4 All written positions taken in the name of the CANDC on any question, whether a majority or minority view and/or nature, shall require prior approval of the Council or in case of needed expediency by the Executive Committee (Section 5.1).
4.1 To ensure open and transparent communication, all correspondence (including but not limited to electronic correspondence) on behalf of the CANDC shall include and show all recipients and addressees.
ARTICLE V Committees
5 The Executive Committee is a Standing Committee. In addition to the specific duties assigned in Section 3.10, the Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring the day-to- day functioning of the CANDC in accordance with the these bylaws. The Executive Committee may entertain and/or recommend a proposal for a new Standing Committee at any time. The Executive Committee will recommend the establishment of Standing Committees as needed, to be ratified by a simple majority of the Council. In the event a new Standing Committee is created, these bylaws will be amended by attachment, describing the responsibility and goals of the committee.
5.1 Standing committees conduct the business of the council on an ongoing basis to support
the Council’s purpose and objectives.
5.1.1 Standing committees are chaired by voting members; chairs voted on by the
committee members.
5.1.2 Chairs will provide a yearly plan to the full Council in the first quarter of the year,
and reports of committee activities at regular meetings.
5.1.3 Chairs are responsible for maintaining and providing historical records to the
CANDC Secretary, including official correspondence, meeting minutes and attendance records.
5.1.1 Standing committees are chaired by voting members; chairs voted on by the
5.2 Ad hoc committees are activity- or issue-based and have a stated goal. Ad hoc
committees may be recommended by a member of the Council and must be ratified by a
simple majority vote of the Council. They may be designated at any time and will expire
upon achievement of the stated goal.
5.2.1 Ad hoc committees may be chaired by any member of the CANDC.
5.2.2 Ad hoc committee membership is open to any Central Area resident.
5.2.3 Ad hoc committee membership may be held by a non-resident of the
Central Area to provide special services, additional relevant information, but and by approval of the Executive Committee.
5.2.1 Ad hoc committees may be chaired by any member of the CANDC.
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 4 of 6
6 ANNUAL MEETING The January meeting is the annual meeting of the CANDC.
6 ANNUAL MEETING The January meeting is the annual meeting of the CANDC.
6.1 FREQUENCY Regular meetings will be held monthly, at least 9 times a year. Regular
meetings are open to the public. Notification of the time and location of the meeting must
be made 5 business days prior to the meeting.
6.2 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The facilitator of the meeting is responsible for keep order,
keep time, and provide for the full and fair discussion of issues before the CANDC.
6.3 ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business will be designated by the Executive
Committee, but may be amended at any time by majority vote of the CANDC. The
agenda will reflect the order of business for each regular meeting and will include, but
not be limited to, the following items
6.3.1 Review of the Agenda
6.3.2 Review of the minutes from the prior meeting
6.3.3 Community Concerns/Roundtable
6.3.4 Standing and Ad hoc committee reports
6.3.1 Review of the Agenda
6.4 RULES of ORDER: The most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to
conduct meetings.
ARTICLE VII Decision Making & Voting
7.1 DECISION MAKING Once discussion has come to an end as per Roberts Rules of
Order, the final decision shall be reached by 2/3 majority vote, of those present.
7.2 VOTING Each designated representative or alternate as defined in ARTICLE II has one
vote. There can be no proxies or absentee votes.
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 5 of 6
8 Any CANDC representative may propose, in writing, an amendment to the bylaws. Any proposed amendment shall be amended by a 2/3 majority vote, of those present. at a meeting following introduction of the amendment at a prior meeting.
by the Full Central Area Neighborhoods District Council on this ______ day of ____________, 20____
_________________________________________________ Central Area Neighborhood District Council, President
8 Any CANDC representative may propose, in writing, an amendment to the bylaws. Any proposed amendment shall be amended by a 2/3 majority vote, of those present. at a meeting following introduction of the amendment at a prior meeting.
by the Full Central Area Neighborhoods District Council on this ______ day of ____________, 20____
_________________________________________________ Central Area Neighborhood District Council, President
Central Area Neighborhoods District Council Bylaws pg 6 of 6
Changes to CANDC Bylaws
Bill Bradburd
3.2 Qualifications: Residents,
property owners and business owners in the Central Area are eligible to be an
officer of the CANDC.
3.7.3 Authorizing
voting member absences from CANDC meetings
3.8.3 Authorizing
voting member absences from CANDC meetings
[ 6.0 ANNUAL MEETING ] – remove
7 Quorum A quorum is 50% plus 1 members of the full
CANDC voting membership. No action may
be taken n the absence of a quorum.
8.1 The CANDC bylaws
should be reviewed and updated if necessary at least every 3 years.
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