Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 18 District Council Meeting agenda and notes

Meeting at 6PM on Monday 11/18/13 in Cal Anderson Park Shelterhouse

Notes (from Andrew Taylor)

(Link to draft of revised bylaws)

Bryan Cohen from the Capitol Hill Seattle blog alerted me to a load of DPD project applications described as "row houses":

Today he published a blog article about row house applications. I was unable to find any definition of what a row house is on the DPD website, and asked DPD director Sugimura if she could explain them to us. She quickly replied:
Thanks for asking Andrew.  Mike Podowski said he would be able to do this meeting … he is much, much more familiar with the rowhouse regulations than I!  Thanks. 
So Mike will be at our meeting to describe what DPD means by a "row house" and what the implications might be for us.

Another DPD official will also be talking (bolding by Andrew):

Mike Podowski forwarded me your contact info and suggested I get in touch to see if you have time on the East District Council meeting agenda to discuss the pedestrian zone mapping project I am working on. This project is considering rezoning a variety of areas around the city to promote more walkable neighborhood business districts by adding a Pedestrian Zone designation to an underlying Neighborhood Commercial Zone.  A pedestrian overlay designation is intended to protect an existing pedestrian-oriented retail district, or encourage the development of such a district. In addition, we are considering adding a few additional standards in pedestrian zones, including: overhead weather projection, wider sidewalks, minimum densities and additional street-level uses.

In the East District the changes we are considering would apply to the areas with an existing pedestrian zone designation and any areas being considered for a pedestrian zone designations (see attached map). 


*Note that the timeline will be updated on the project site soon to reflect more time for the entire process.

Aly Pennucci, AICP, LEED Green Associate I Senior Planner

City of Seattle Dept of Planning & Development
206.386.9132 I

Here's a link to the LARGE map she included 

Minutes of recent East District Council meetings

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Bridging the Gap" transportation projects to be ranked in July

To All,
This is news that relates to Bridging the Gap applications that the East District will be ranking during our July 8th meeting. The way I read this is that we have three underlined projects under the heading East District: 12th Avenue, 19th Avenue, and Madison.
From: Brochet, Art [] On Behalf Of DOT_NSF
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:11 PM
Cc: Divina, Ted (; Dumpys, Christa; Bush, James; Ko, Karen; Lock, Stan; Louie, Steve; Mattson, Rob; Pitre, Yun; Pottharst, Ed; Durkan, Tim; Whittemore, Thomas
Subject: 2013 NSF Application Studies

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is pleased to announce the completion of the preliminary evaluations of the 2013 Neighborhood Street Fund applications selected by Seattle’s District Councils for consideration. 
You may remember that 68 applications were received city-wide and that each District choose three for preliminary project analysis and cost estimates.   Whether you submitted an application, supported a proposed improvement or helped to select which projects moved forward, you may be interested in seeing the resulting studies.
Project information sheets for the District Council selected projects are now posted on the as downloadable pdfs, grouped together for each District.  (Please note that when printing the PDFs they are in 11” x 17” format.  The pages may be printed on a 8.5” x 11” printer by selecting “Tile” in your print dialog box instead of selecting “Fit to Page”, but are probably better viewed on line.)

Friday, June 7, 2013

June 10 District Council Agenda

East District Council
Monday, June 10, 2013
5:45 pm - 7:45 pm
Capitol Hill Branch, Seattle Public Library
425 Harvard Avenue East

Notes from Karen Ko, our acting Department of Neighborhoods District Coordinator : 

The City Arborist has not been confirmed, but we're keeping our fingers crossed.
District Council elections to be held in July.  Your golden opportunity to step into a leadership position.
And, finally, Tim Durkan, the regular District Coordinator for the East District has returned from his world travels.  We'll welcome him back and I will return to the North.  It has been an honor and a thrill to work with all of you.  Thank you so much for letting me be part of this fascinating community this past year.

>> Addition to the agenda: Several East District Council members attended the Neighborhood Matching Fund open house, and will report to us about it.

----- Agenda -----

·      Welcome and Introductions
·      Changes to Agenda

Andrew Taylor, Chair
District Council Members

5:45 - 5:55

·      Seattle’s Street Tree ordinance has not been changed since 1961.  Hightlights of what the new ordinance looks like.

Nolan Rundquist, City Arborist

5:55 – 6:05

·      East Precinct Report
Casey Sundin, Officer
Community Police Team

6:05 – 6:15

·      Request for membership from
   Capitol Hill Housing
  Sustainable Capitol Hill
From the East District Council bylaws:
“Membership shall be of such community councils and neighborhood business organizations primarily located in the District Council’s boundaries that wish to participate.  Other representatives may be added at the discretion of the District Council.  An applicant organization must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.  Council membership requires active participation and may be terminated by lack of representation at half of any 12 month series of meetings, after review by the Executive Committee and vote of the membership.”

Andrew Taylor, Chair
(Alex Brennan, Mel Burchett)

6:15 – 6:30

·      Nominations for Officers for the District Council for 2013 – 14
Nominations are made in June/Elections held in July.

Andrew Taylor

6:30 – 6:35

·      City Neighborhood Council Report -

Andrew Taylor

6:35 – 6:40

·      Neighborhood Round Robin –
     Capitol Hill     Madison Park          Miller Park
     First Hill          Madison Valley       Yesler Terrace

District Council Members

6:40 – 7:00

·       Bylaws Discussion -

Andrew Taylor

7:00 – 7:15

·      Wrap Up & Adjourn

Andrew Taylor, Chair

7:15 – 7:30

Draft minutes of May 2013 District Council meeting

East District Council
Seattle Public Library – Capitol Hill Branch                                                                                                                                             
425 Harvard Avenue
May 13, 2013
Members  Attending:
Andrew Taylor
Alice Lanczos, Madison Park Community Council
Anita Bowers, Montlake Community Club
Elaine King, Montlake Community Club
Janis Maloney, Madison Park Business Association
John Akamatsu, Capitol Hill Community Council


Bob Derry, First Hill Streetcar Project
Victoria Beach, East Precinct Advisory Committee
Mel Burchett, Sustainable Capitol Hill
Gina Biber, The Capitol Hill Times
Don Blakeney, Capitol Hill Chamber
Mike Archambault, Central Seattle Greenways
Erin Abu-Rish, Capitol Hill Community Council
Tammy Lothy, resident
Jeff Heft, resident
Tonya Crehan, resident
Valerie Bloem, resident
Alex Brennan, Capitol Hill Housing
Michael Wells, Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce
Rob Crehan, resident

Staff: Karen Ko, Neighborhood District Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Andrew Taylor at 5:50pm.
The minutes from the April 8th East District Council meeting were approved.
Bob Derry gave an update on the 1st Hill Street Car. The project started at Seattle Community College and has now reached Yesler and Jackson. They are     considering   accommodating bicycles. You can sign up for updates and they are on Facebook and Twitter.
Captain Ron Wilson, East District Community Police gave an update on recent crimes since the last meeting, particularly in and around Cal Anderson Park. They are increasing patrols in the park in response to complaints of drug paraphernalia in the play area.  Corbi Christenson, Park Ranger Supervisor stated that there are 5 to ten rangers for all of Seattle Parks.
Matthew York, East Precinct Police Liaison Attorney provided a follow up regarding issues raised at the last meeting. Some of the issues covered were:
Noise; there is a 65 decibel limit, chronic nuisance concerns, and limited coverage of police force, residential and business zoning conflicts.
 He also shared they are instituting night life meetings with bar owners.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Thursday 5/23/13 Micro-housing Forum

(thanks to Jim Erickson, First Hill, for this message)
To learn what the issue is, you can watch a 3:38 minute video at:
You can also go to Seattle Channel to find the 60 minute show:
City Inside/Out: Micro Housing 5/10/2013
Living options in Seattle are growing even as space is shrinking. Micro-apartments are sprouting up all over the city, even as some neighborhood residents protest what they consider a loophole in land use law. Are developers going too far? Do these compact spaces provide a viable affordable housing alternative? Should the city put a freeze on micro-housing? Hear from developer Jim Potter, Reasonable Density Seattle founder Carl Winter and micro-apartment resident Paul Giuglianotti. In studio, we get perspective from Richard Conlin, Seattle City Council member and chair of its Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee; transit planner Adam Parast; Wallingford activist Greg Hill; and Capitol Hill activist Dennis Saxman. We put micro-housing under the microscope, as city leaders decide whether a moratorium is needed! 
Learn more about this episode...
Those who are concerned about the impact that Micro-Housing is having on Seattle neighborhoods have formed a group called Reasonable Density Seattle:
And if you have questions and would like to take part in a live discussion please join us at:
East Precinct Advisory Council, Thursday, May 23; 6:30 to 8:30 PM
·         Seattle University’s Chardin Hall, 1020 East Jefferson
·         Enter the campus at 11th and East Jefferson, park FREE in the lot
o   Enter the building and turn right down the hall

Greetings neighbors!
 How does the development of Micro-housing impact you and your neighborhood?
 There has been a lot of concern about this increasingly upward trend of Micro-Housing, also known as “APODments”, small, single occupancy units sometimes with shared kitchens. The Capitol Hill Community Council has been addressing this issue for some time, and the City Council has hosted forums to explore citizen concerns.
The micro-housing movement has been expanding beyond Capitol Hill into the Central District, First Hill and other East Precinct neighborhoods. With a rising demand for affordable housing, these units provide a way for young singles, professionals and retired folks to actually be able to live in Seattle, close to work, restaurants and entertainment venues, and also bring rich diversity to neighborhoods. These small units are not only affordable, but provide updated amenities such as free Internet.
It seems like a simple solution. Or is it? What are the concerns of some citizens who reside in the neighborhoods near these developments?  Zoning loopholes, shortage of parking, transitional, short term residents?  What are the benefits to folks living in the units?
We hope to answer some of these and other questions at our Thursday, May 23rd East Precinct Advisory Board (EastPAC) Community Meeting. This is our effort to address a quality of life issues and proactively develop mutually beneficial solutions.
 Guests include The Stranger’s Dominic Holden, who recently wrote an informative article on this issue; Miriam Roskin, Manager for Planning and Policy, City of Seattle’s Office of Housing; and a representative from the City’s Department of Planning and Development. 
 The takeaway is, in our effort to be proactive, we will advocate for East Precinct citizens, likely in collaboration with the other city wide Precinct Advisory Councils, who’s constituencies are likely experiencing similar issues.
I am encouraging you to attend.
Stephanie Tschida, Chair
East Precinct Advisory Council
(Panel member Dominic Holden has written about micro-housing:  

The Fight Against Small Apartments

Why Neighborhood Groups Are Uniting to Stop Developers from Building Tiny, Affordable Units)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

District Council meeting notes from Capitol Hill Times

Gina Biber, the news editor of the Capitol Hill Times was at Monday's District Council meeting, and has filed two short reports about the meeting:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Who we are

The East District Council is one of thirteen such Seattle councils, organized by the City Department of Neighborhoods  as a way for local neighborhood groups to share information and to help the Department to rate citizen applications for Neighborhood Matching Funds.

We meet monthly, from 5:45 to 7:45 PM, typically in the Capitol Hill Library on the second Monday of the month. Our acting District Coordinator is Karen Ko (206-684-4054), while Tim Durkan is on sabatical.

Our boundaries, shown on this City map, include the communities of Capitol Hill,  Madison Park        Miller Park, Montlake, First Hill,  Madison Valley  and Yesler Terrace

East District Boundaries, before Montlake rejoined the East District.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Examples of District Council membership rules


2 GENERAL CRITERIA Voting membership on the CANDC shall be held by community organizations, not individuals. Members designate one representative and one alternate to the CANDC. Membership may be held only by organizations that operate within the CANDC boundaries, whose stated purpose reflects the values described in Section 1.3. Furthermore, organizations must operate in accordance with democratic principles under a written constitution or bylaws, which exercise a non-discrimination policy equivalent to the CANDC policy stated in Section 2.4.

  1. 2.1  Standing membership is held by neighborhood councils that meet the general criteria. 
  2. 2.2  At-Large membership is held by business or service associations by approval of the District Council. Application for membership must be made to the Executive Committee by written request. The Executive Committee will ensure that minimum requirements for membership are met as set forth in Section 2. The Executive Committee shall promptly make a recommendation to the full Council. The recommendation shall be approved at the following meeting by a simple majority. At-large members shall serve a one year term and may be re-approved for membership, by simple majority vote. 
  3. 2.3  If the members representative(s) has three or more unexcused consecutive absences the member shall lose its voting rights until their representative(s) has attended three meetings. Voting rights are reestablished at the third meeting they attend. 

May 2013 Meeting Agenda

East District Council

Monday, May 13, 2013
5:45 pm - 7:45 pm
Capitol Hill Branch, Seattle Public Library
425 Harvard Avenue East    

·      Welcome and Introductions
·      Additions to Agenda
·      Minutes of April 8 meeting

Andrew Taylor, Chair
District Council Members

5:45 - 5:55

·      First Hill Streetcar Update

Seattle Department of Transportation

5:55 – 6:05

·      Follow up discussion from last month on chronic public nuisance – what can we do about it?  What can the City do about it?

Matthew York, East Precinct Liaison,Assistant City Attorney

6:10 – 6:45

·      City Neighborhood Council Report -

Jan Maloney/Andrew Taylor

6:45 – 6:50

·      Duwamish River Clean up and the EPA report/plan

 Members Duwamish River Clean up Coalition

6:50 – 7:00

·      Neighborhood Round Robin –
     Capitol Hill     Madison Park          Miller Park
     First Hill          Madison Valley       Yesler Terrace

District Council Members

7:05 – 7:15

·       Bylaws Discussion -

Andrew Taylor

7:15 – 7:40

·      Wrap Up & Adjourn

Andrew Taylor, Chair

7:30 – 7:35

(Bylaws from assorted District Councils are on this blog, to help guide our discussions, along with the present version of the East District Council bylaws)